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Compare Medigap Plan Quotes Full Name: Date of Birth: Zip Code: Phone Number: Email: Duplicate CTA Find Medicare Plans in 3 Easy Steps We can help find the right Medicare plans for you today Compare Plans Duplicate CTA Find Medicare Plans in 3 Easy Steps We can help find the right Medicare plans for you…
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First Try Medicare Supplement Plans Get the best coverage for your health needs. Explore our Medicare Supplement Plans now! See Rates Date of Birth: Submit Gender: MaleFemale Submit revised Medicare Supplement Plan Find the Right Medicare Supplement Plan for You Get a personalized quote today and find the best plan that fits your needs. Get…
What is a Medicare Advantage Plan?
When individuals age into Medicare, their healthcare costs are reduced dramatically because they qualify for Original Medicare which is fairly comprehensive health insurance. Although Original Medicare Parts A, B, and D provide the coverage that most seniors need, they have gaps in coverage that are a result of deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. In today’s economy,…
Medicare Supplement Plans
Many people who are close to age 65 have at least one thing to be thankful for – they’re about to start saving a lot of money on their health insurance coverage. For many people, the cost of healthcare in their 50s and 60s is overwhelming. Even with employer-provided benefits, out-of-pocket expenses continue to…
What is Original Medicare?
In the summer of 1965, President Lyndon Johnson ratified legislation that created and established the health insurance program called Medicare. The new health insurance program which was designated for seniors consisted of two coverage parts intended to help enrollees with the cost of hospitalization (Part A) and physician services (Part B). Since the…