Great, Your Medicare Assessment Call is Scheduled

Thank you for scheduling a call with us.

I have sent a confirmation of your call's date and time to your email.  Please make sure that you enter this in your calendar as soon as possible.

I will call you from 920-545-4884 at the time you have selected.  Please make sure you are ready when I call.  If you are more than 10 minutes late, the call will be cancelled.

I know, sometimes life gets in the way and you may need to reschedule.  If you do not think you will be able to make your chosen appointment, please be considerate and reschedule the appointment.  You can reschedule right from the confirmation email that you received.

Please be sure that you are in a quiet room for the appointment.  This does not work if you are in your car, at the store or if there are lots of distractions.

I look forward to helping you explore Medicare and finding the coverage that fits both your needs and budget.

Loran Marmes

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